staying warm with fire nation

the weather here in chicago took a turn for the cold this week, so we've been huddling for warmth as we adjust.

a redpoint siamese sleeping soundly on a green blanket in my lap, her head against my chest, very cute

zula is the cuddliest

an orange floof with white nose sleeping just as soundly in my lap, wrapped in a blue blanket like a baby or possibly a stuffed animal

or maybe zuko is the cuddliest???

i wonder how he'd feel about a sling. i have one somewhere, let's find out!

i tried all week to lure boris to my lap so i could go for the trifecta, but alas.

a black floof is sitting extremely weirdly in front of a window, his empty-headed gaze focused in the distance

ideally boris would also come cuddle but no, he sits around like this

have a good weekend!
